General information

Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens provides Ukrainian (Russian) as a foreign language training for listeners of the Preparatory Department and students of the main faculties and educational and scientific institutes of SumDU.

Areas of work

  • Ukrainian as a foreign language
  • Russian as a foreign language


"Actual Problems of Foreign Students’ Studying at the Present Stage" – under this name at the department of language training takes place an annual international scientific conference. Participants of the conference are scientists, teachers, postgraduates from various universities of Ukraine and abroad. Foreign students also take an active part in the conference, preparing reports and articles together with their supervisors. The main directions of the conference are traditional and innovative technologies in methods of teaching Russian/Ukrainian as a foreign language, modern teaching methods of Humanities and Natural Sciences to non-native speakers. The conference also addresses the psychological and pedagogical principles of learning and cross-cultural communication in theory and practice of teaching non-native language.

The electronic version of the conference program 2018

The electronic version of the conference program 2017

The electronic version of the conference program 2015

The results of research and experimentations are reflected in the collections of scientific papers «Мова, історія, культура у лінгвокомунікативному просторі» («Language, History, Culture in Linguistic and Communicational Space») (electronic version is attached).

The electronic version of the conference proceedings 2018

The electronic version of the conference proceedings 2017

The electronic version of the conference proceedings 2016

The electronic version of the conference proceedings 2015

The electronic version of the conference proceedings 2014


Conferences 2017

“Actual Problems of Teaching Foreign Students at the Present Stage”, SumDU

“Foreign Languages at University and School”, Vitebsk, Belarus

“Scientific Community of Students of the XXI Century. Philology”, Kazakhstan

“Social and Humanitarian Aspects of the Development of Modern Society”, SumDU

Word in language, speech, text (Brest, Belarus)

Conferences 2018

“The First Step into Science”, SumDU

I All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the 21st Century", SumDU.

“Scientific Initiative of International Students and Postgraduate Students”, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University.

Word in language, speech, text (Brest, Belarus).

Conferences 2019

"The first step into science", SumDU.

International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Scientific Initiative of Foreign Students and Postgraduate Students", Kharkiv National Highway and Road University.

II All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the 21st Century", SumDU.

XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Scientific Initiative of Foreign Students" (October 10, 2019, Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University).

International scientific-practical Internet conference of students, undergraduates, postgraduate students "Philology, language didactics, professional communication in professional discourse" (Sumy State Pedagogical University named after Anton S. Makarenko).

All-Ukrainian scientific conference of students, postgraduate students, teachers and staff of the faculty of IFSK SumDU "Socio-humanitarian aspects of modern society" (SumDU).

III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists "Mariupol Youth Scientific Forum: traditional and new aspects of research and teaching of foreign languages ​​and literature" (March 29, 2019, Mariupol).


All-Ukrainian scientific and practical student online conference "Scientific community of students of the XXI century"

I All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Student Online Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the XXI Century"

Collection 2018

II All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Student Online Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the XXI Century"

Collection 2019Program 2019

III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Student Online Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the XXI Century"

Collection 2020     

IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Student Online Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the XXI Century"

Collection 2021

V All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Student Online Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the XXI Century"

Collection 2022Program 2022

VI All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Student Online Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the XXI Century"

Program 2023


Scientific activity of the Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens includes the scientific topic of the 2nd half of the day, individual lecturer’s investigations, grant activity, scientific work with the students, participation in the All-Ukrainian and International conferences, organisation of the annual All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Student Online Conference “Scientific Community of Students of the 21st Century” as well as student’s scientific club activity.

In the 2016 on the Department of Language Training the new topic of the scientific work of the 2nd half of the day “Forming of the linguistic, sociocultural and professional competence of the foreign students in the modern informative and educational environment” started (2016–2020).

Number of the state registration - 0116U007552.

Scientific supervisor – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Teacher Hanna V. Diadchenko (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ORCID:, Google Scholar:

The aim of the scientific activity of the teachers of the department in the framework of the topic defined is the investigation of the psychological, pedagogical and methodical conditions of the foreign students’ linguistic, sociocultural and professional competency forming. As a result of these scientific investigations the methodical model of the foreign students’ linguistic, sociocultural and professional competency forming in the modern informational and educational space approbation is created. It is proved that the present model facilitates the wrong interpretation of the linguistic phenomena of the Ukrainian language by the foreigners prevention and their speech mechanism transferring into the articulatory and lexico-grammatical basis of the Ukrainian language as well as retention of the linguistic phenomena and realisation of the phonetic, lexical and grammatical habits in the different kinds of the speech activity with the further perspectives of the social interaction and professional speech.

І stage (interim) – «Preliminary investigation of the literature connected with the issue of the linguistic competence of the foreign students in the modern informational and educational space forming» (Hanna V. Diadchenko, Larysa V. Bidenko, Alla A. Silka, Tetiana O. Dehtiarova, Olha P. Konyok, Yevheniia О. Holovanenko, Тetiana H. Chernyshova).

ІІ stage (final) – «Methodology of the linguistic, sociocultural and professional competence of the foreign students forming in the modern informational and educational space. Approbation of the methodology created in the specialized publications» (Hanna V. Diadchenko, Larysa V. Bidenko, Tetiana O. Dehtiarova, Maryna S. Kazandzhyieva, Liudmyla A. Kulishenko, Alla A. Silka, Alina V. Cherniakova, Alina V. Shevtsova, Olha P. Konyok).


In the development and implementation of the scientific topic of the 2nd half of the day take part such scientists of the Department as:

  • Larysa V. Bidenko - Candidate of Pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor, the Head of the Department.
  • Iryna M. Serebrianska - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens.
  • Alina V.Cherniakova - Candidate of Pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Alina V. Shevtsova - Candidate of Philological sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Alla A.Silka - Candidate of Philological sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Alla H. Yarova - Candidate of Philological sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Hanna V.Diadchenko - Candidate of Philological sciences, Senior Teacher.
  • Liudmyla A. Kulishenko - Candidate of Philological sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Maryna M. Nabok - Candidate of Philological sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Maryna S.Kazandzhyieva - Candidate of Pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Olena V. Pokhilko - Candidate of Pedagogic sciences.
  • Olga M. Volkova - Candidate of Philological sciences, Associate Professor.
  • Tetiana O.Dehtiarova - Candidate of Philological sciences, Associate Professor.


As a result of their scientific investigations are a large number of the scientific and methodological publications:

  1. Ukrainian language for the foreigners (together with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)) : study letter / under the editorship of Tetiana O. Dehtiarova. – Sumy : Universytetska knyha, 2016. – 400 p.
  2. Sylka, А.А. Ukrainian language as a language of the professional teaching: study letter for the foreign students of the medical institute studying in English.– Sumy : SSU, 2016. – 127 p.
  3. Bidenko, L.V., Kazandzhyieva, М.S. Individual focus of the educational trajectory of the distant course in the high school system / L.V. Bidenko, М.S.Kazandzhyieva // Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies: collection of research papers. – Sumy : Publishing house of the SSPU named after А.S. Makarenko, 2016. – Issue № 7(41). – P. 30-35.
  4. Bidenko, L.V., Kyseliova, H.I. Informational technologies in the educational process of the higher educational institutions: principles of the implementation / V.Bidenko, H.I. Kyseliova // Herald of the Zaporizhia National University: Series «Pedagogical Sciences» : collection of research papers. – Zaporizhia : Zaporizhia National University, 2016. – №1 (19). – 301 p. – P. 70-76.
  5. Bidenko, L.V. System of the work with the theatrical film at the classes of the Russian as a foreign language / V.Bidenko // Pedagogical Sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies: collection of research papers. – Sumy : Publishing house of the SSPU named after А.S. Makarenko, 2016. – Issue № 9(43) – P. 64-70.
  6. Burnos, Y.Y., Pylypenko-Fritsak N.А. Assessment as an objective method of the knowledge control during studying Russian as a foreign language / Y.Burnos, N.А. Pylypenko-Fritsak // Proceedings of Nizhyn State University named after М. Gogol. Psychological and pedagogical sciences: (collection) / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Nizhyn State University named after М. Gogol. – Nizhyn, 2016. – № 1. – P. 112-120.
  7. Ukrainian language for foreigners (elementary level) : study letter / under the editorship of Tetiana O. Dehtiarova. – Sumy: Universytetska knyha, 2017. – 200 p.
  8. My University. Study letter for the students of the Preparatory Department / under the editorship of Larysa V. Bidenko. – Sumy: SSU, 2017. – 121 p.
  9. Bespalova, H.V. (Shcherbak, H.V.), Bidenko, L.V. Implementing audio-lingual method to teaching Ukrainian as foreign language at the initial stage / H.V. Bespalova (H.V. Shcherbak), V.Bidenko // Advanced Education : Kyiv : Kyiv  Polytechnic Institute named after Ihor Sikorsky, 2017. – Issue 7. – P. 23–28.
  10. Bidenko, L.V. Kyseliova, H.I. Scientific and methodological base of the preparation of the study material in the Ukrainian as a foreign language for the coherent speech development of the students-nonfilologists / V.Bidenko, H.I. Kyseliova // Collection of research papers of the Kherson National University : Serie «Pedagogical sciences». – Kherson: Kherson National University. 2017. – № 75. – Volume 1. – P. 99–103.
  11. Vorona, N.О. Ukrainian medical terminology: its origin, peculiarities and teaching methods for the foreign students of the medical higher educational institutions of the Ukraine / N.О. Vorona // Proceedings of Nizhyn State University named after М. Gogol. Series : Psychological and pedagogical sciences: [collection] / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Nizhyn State University named after М. Gogol. – Nizhyn, 2017. – № 2. – P. 111-124.




At the Department, a research association  for foreign students “Descendants of Hippocrates” operates under supervision of Nataliia Pylypenko-Frytsak.

Research work with students is an integral component of the educational process of the Department of Language Training of Foreign Citizens. In December 2017, the scientific and creative association "Descendants of Hippocrates" was created by teachers of the Department of Language Training of Foreign Citizens, which it was united some foreign students who love medicine and are fond of learning the Ukrainian language. Natalia Anatoliyivna Pylypenko-Fritsak is the head of the scientific association of students. She is a teacher at this department.

The purpose of the student`s association "Descendants of Hippocrates" is to investigate the scientific and creative potential of foreign students studying at the medical institute, development of research skills, development of communication skills, improvement of professional communication culture and cognitive interest in learning the Ukrainian language.


The scientific and creative association is joined by students from Nigeria, Lebanon, Ghana, India, Turkey, Tunisia and Morocco. 

The topic of the student`s association is devoted to the problematic issues of modern medical discourse, speech culture of a doctor, medical slang, the language of medical advertising, Ukrainian medical terminology. The interests of young scholars also include issues of intercultural communication and dialogue of cultures, ethnostereotypes in the context of dialogue of cultures, verbal and nonverbal national features of communication, linguoculturology, sociolinguistics. At the meetings of the student`s association members have the opportunity to gain useful experience of speeches, communication and discussion, preparation of materials for publication in scientific journals, presentation of their own scientific achievements, to realize their creative potential.



of the student’s research association “Descendants of Hippocrates”

for the 2022/2023 academic year

Titles of events and meetings of research association

  Terms of   realization

Responsible person of the event


Organizational meeting.  Individual interviews with the members of the group with the purpose of identifying the range of their scientific interests. Discussion, agreement and confirmation of the plan of students’ group work in conditions of online education.

08.09. 2022


The head of the group


A place, a role and importance of the medical profession in the modern society. A doctor of a new generation.


The head of the group


Fundamental values and principles of professional ethics and deontology of a medical worker.


The head of the group


 Culture of medical speech as the main part of professional ethics.


The head of the group


Pragmatic and linguistic means of communication between a doctor and a patient in the context of medical discourse. Lingual and extralingual aspects of communication between a doctor and a patient.


The head of the group


Peculiarities of professional medical communication. Informal medical professional language. Medical slang, its functions and peculiarities of usage.


The head of the group


Phraseology and abbreviations in professional medical language. Phraseological euphemisms in the medical language.


The head of the group


Preparation of abstracts for the student scientific and practical conference. Work on public speaking skills.




Work on the presentation and preparation of the speech for the student scientific and practical conference.


The head of the group


"Service to human life and health": humanistic aspects of the medical activity.


The head of the group


Contribution of Ukrainian doctors to the development of the world medical science.


The head of the group


The work of Ukrainian doctors in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.


The head of the group


Respect for human beings, their dignity and life as basic European values. Correlation of euthanasia and human right to life.


The head of the group


"Human life is the highest social value!": principles of the international medical humanitarian organization (Medecins sans frontiers, MSF). Assistance of medical workers to Ukrainians during the Russian-Ukrainian war.


The head of the group


European practices of intercultural dialogue in the medical field. Intercultural competence as one of the key professional competences of a medical worker in the context of European integration.


The head of the group


Doctors and medicine of the future: how the medical field will change in 10-15 years.


The head of the group


Spheres and functions of professional medical activity in my country. Famous doctors of my country.


The head of the group


Preparation of abstracts for the student scientific and practical conference. Work on presentation and speech.


The head of the group


The final meeting of the scientific group. Encouragement of the best students-scientists.


The head of the group


Members of the student`s association demonstrate their knowledge and discoveries by participating in international and national conferences, seminars, forums, competitions of student research papers; make reports, publish scientific papers in domestic and foreign publications.

On February 23, 2020, students took part in the XI Student Conference "First Step into Science", where they made reports "Ukrainian nouns of the common kind to define people by emotional assessment" (Eke Chiamaka), "Culture of India" (Patel Raviraj, Patel Khushbu , India), "History of Indian Literature" (Viral Zapadia, Hardy Patel, India. Students were awarded a diploma for 3rd place among speakers in the section Philology. Society. Communication).

During the quarantine, the members of the student`s association have demonstrated a persistent desire to engage in scientific work, actively participated in scientific and practical student online conferences:

International scientific-practical conference "Scientific initiative of foreign applicants for higher education and graduate students" (March 19, 2020, Kharkiv, KhNADU). Muhurcuoglu Berke Jem made a report "Peculiarities of adaptation of Turkish students to study in Ukraine";

XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Man, Culture, Technology in the New Millennium" (April 23, 2020, Kharkiv, National Aerospace University named after ME Zhukovsky "KHAI"). Nandwana Kartik made a report "Peculiarities of socio-cultural adaptation of Indian students to study in Ukraine";

XI International scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and specialists in the field of psychology "Youth in modern psychology. Ethnic self-consciousness and interethnic interaction "(April 23, 2020, Sumy, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko). Al Hajj Hussein Oussama prepared an essay "Our life in 27, 375 days";

III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical student online conference "Scientific community of students of the XXI century" (April 23-24, 2020, Sumy, SSU). Saeed Mubaashera Irfan made a presentation on "Indian Culture: Dialogue of Communities, Languages, Religions", Muhurjuoglu Berke Jem prepared a presentation on "Academic Mobility and Development of International Cooperation in the Field of Higher Education in Ukraine", Dehinsil Adensol Nneamak presented a report professionally oriented dialogic speech of foreign medical students in Ukrainian language classes ".

For perfectly work, foreign students-members of the student`s association "Descendants of Hippocrates" were awarded with Diplomas and awarded memorable gifts.

Quarantine restrictions, which continued in 2021, made adjustments to the educational process, but did not interfere with the research work of the group. Work with students did not stop, but took other forms. During the quarantine restrictions, meetings of the circle were regularly held in remote mode on the Google Meet platform, in a mixed form and offline. During the quarantine, students from Gurtkov demonstrated self-organization skills, the ability to conduct independent exploratory research, a persistent desire to engage in scientific work, and actively participated in scientific and practical student conferences.

At the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists "Scientific Initiative of Foreign Higher Education Graduates and Postgraduate Students" (March 4, 2021, Kharkiv, KHNADU) Tenga Jackson Elikunda, Denys Ternovy and Soheil Mohammad Soheib (Mc.m. -015) presented the abstracts of the report "Tolerance as the basis of intercultural communication of foreign students while studying in Ukrainian universities."

The participation of Gurtki residents in the work of the student conference "The First Step in Science" has become traditional. The current year was no exception. The participants of the circle joined the work of the XII student conference "The First Step in Science", which took place on March 18-19, 2021 at Sumy State University, and presented reports: "Tolerance as a key to cross-cultural interaction of foreign students in a multinational group" (Ternovoy Denys, Chukvudi Divaingift Chidiebere (gr. MC.m-015)) and "Ukrainian nouns with an undifferentiated generic sign to denote a person as an individual" (Bu Hamdan Christian, Lakhbidi Doha (gr. MC.m-014)).

On April 15–16, 2021, Asare Geoffrey Duodu (gr. MC.m-919) took part in the IX All-Ukrainian scientific conference of students, graduate students, teachers and employees of Sumy State University "Social and humanitarian aspects of the development of modern society" and prepared theses "Legal culture as a component of the social adaptation of educational migrants during their studies in Ukraine".

At the 12th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference of Graduates of Higher Education "Issues of Modern Science and Law" (April 23, 2021, Sumy, Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs) Al Hajj Hussain Oussama and Alhussein Hussain (Mc.m- 919) presented a report "Socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students while studying in Ukraine".

At the invitation of the National Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky "KHAI" Benkhmida Arizh (Mts.m-811) took part in the International Conference of Foreign Students "Integration of Foreign Students into the Socio-Cultural and Scientific-Educational Space of the Ukrainian Higher Education System" (April 22, 2021, Kharkiv) and presented the report "The language of "medical" colors: the use of color gamut in medical website designs and advertising."

On April 22-23, 2021, Pallikamalil Sandhra (town of MC.m-737) took part in the 11th International scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Youth in modern psychology: ethnic self-awareness and inter-ethnic interaction" (Sumy, A.S. Makarenko SumDPU) and delivered a report "Adaptation of educational migrants: problems and ways to solve them."

Gurtkiv residents actively participated in the 4th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Student Online Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the XXI Century", which took place on April 7-8, 2021 at the Department of Language Training of Foreign Citizens of Sumy State University. Students presented reports: "Traditional Indian dance as Symbolic Non-verbal Communication" (Sayed Mubaashera Irfan (gr. MC.m-737)); "Ethno-oriented teaching method in a multicultural group" (Khan Ajmal (gr. MC.m-015)); "Activation of cognitive activity of foreign students through the use of information and computer technologies in Ukrainian language classes" (Soheil Mohammad Soheib (gr. MC.m-015)).

At the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Master's and Postgraduate Students "Philology, Linguistics, Professional Communication in Scientific Discourse" (November 9, 2021, Sumy, A.S. Makarenko State University of Sumy) Mohamed Ahmed Vahid Ahmed (M.C. .m-010) presented the report "Communicative strategies and tactics of medical discourse".

The members of the "Descendants of Hippocrates" group were awarded thanks, diplomas, and certificates for their diligent work.

The year 2022 brought new terrible challenges and tests, which did not bypass the sphere of education. Due to the full-scale invasion of the Russian army into Ukraine, the majority of foreign students were forced to leave the city, to leave our country. But this did not hinder the activities of the members of the scientific student association "Descendants of Hippocrates", because the people of Gurtkov have experience in distance learning and online education, seek new knowledge, and are full of a persistent desire to engage in search, creative and research work. During the year, meetings of the circle were regularly held online on the Google Meet platform, students actively participated in the preparation and implementation of educational events, participated in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, university events, Ukrainian nationwide actions, and international holidays.

For the fifth year in a row, Gurtkiv residents present the results of their own research at the "First Step in Science" student conference. 2022 was no exception: members of the circle took part in the XIII student conference "The First Step in Science" (May 9-13, 2022, Sumy, Sumy State University), where they had the opportunity to speak and publish abstracts of reports. Abourameh Elbasiouny and Elmorsi Ahmed Maged (town of MC.m-010) presented the topic "Ukrainian common nouns that reflect a person's attitude to work"; Shrivastava Devanshi (gr. MC.m-010) and Ternova Denys (gr. MC.m - 015) presented a report "Investigation of the impact of hate speech on Indian students during education."

Abdul Ravuf (MC.m-129) presented the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Innovations in Education and Pedagogical Mastery of the Teacher-Lictionary" (October 27-28, 2022, Sumy, Sumy DPU named after A.S. Makarenko) at the YI topic "Interdisciplinary approach in the formation of professional communication skills of foreign medical students in Ukrainian language classes".

A real celebration of science was the holding by the Department of Language Training of Foreign Citizens of the 5th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Student Online Conference "Scientific Community of Students of the 21st Century", which took place on October 13, 2022. During the conference, the students of Gurtkiv presented interesting achievements of their research activities and had the opportunity publish theses. Havisiddappa Karibasamma Gaanashree (MC.m-129) reported on the topic "Traditional Indian dance as a form of intercultural communication"; Victoria Gerald Ndjemu (MC.m-125) presented the study "Formation of a secondary professional language personality taking into account the principle of text-centrism in classes on the Ukrainian language as a foreign language"; Gultekin Emirkhan (MC.m-015) outlined the issue "Some aspects of grammatical interference in the Turkic audience."

A distinctive feature of 2022 was the creative research and project work of Gurtkiv residents, participation in the preparation and implementation of educational activities that contributed to increasing the educational and cognitive activity of students, creating a positive motivation for learning and a positive emotional background, forming an active citizenship position and respect for foreigners cultural, national, state traditions and values of Ukraine. The following events were held with the participation of the group participants, such as:

"I am a tolerant person" dedicated to intercultural tolerance and countering hate speech (students presented the materials and results of research conducted specifically for this event in a report at the XIII student conference "The First Step in Science"). The students of MC.m-010 Milady Monder, Mustafizur Ahmed, Gali Mohamed Youssef Mohamed Yussef, Raza Afaq, Siddiq Abu Sayed, Tgashnatg Sudgeer Aditg, Srivastava Devanshi, students Syed Mubaashera Irfan (gr. MC.m-737) and Shivangi (gr. MC .m-735);

"In the native language about the most precious", dedicated to the Mother Language Day, during which students from Egypt, India, Morocco, Nigeria, Tanzania and Turkey demonstrated the beauty of their mother tongue, spoke in their native languages and dialects, and told poems about the most important thing in the life of every person - the Motherland , family warmth, mother's love, love. The gift from the group members was a video in which boys and girls recited their favorite poems in their native language. Many thanks to Parmar Khyati Nileshsingh, Patel Kushboo Parimal, Patel Hardy Kirankumar, Patel Raviraju Mahendrabhai (gr.MC.m-734), Shivangi (gr.MC.m-735), Syed Mubaasheri Irfan (gr.MC.m-737) , Hali Mohamed Youssef Mohamed Youssef (town MC.m-010), Moussa Zahra Said and Gultekin Emirkhan (town MC.m-015), Hssaid Adam (town MC.m - 919) for preparation and participation in the celebration;

"European Day of Languages - a holiday that unites countries", during which the people of Gurtkov presented reports about the history and purpose of the holiday, about the most common languages and languages that are on the verge of extinction, reported on the place of the Ukrainian language in the family of European languages, reminded about the importance of preserving linguistic and cultural diversity and the need to strengthen intercultural understanding. On behalf of the Indian students, all the participants of the event were congratulated by Sayed Mubaashera Irfan (town of MC.m-737) and read her own poem "Today is a language holiday in us". "In the poem, I wanted to talk about the beauty of the Ukrainian language, about my love for it, and about the fact that I am sure that Ukraine will win the terrible war and soon everyone will be safe," said Syed Mubaashera Irfan. Thanks to Havisiddappa Karibasammy Gaanashree, Duppal Sai Pritam, Sain Jatin (MC.m-129), Abzal Khan Absani (gr. MC.m-107), Kumar Manish (gr. MC.m-116), Syed Mubaasheri Irfan, Shubham Jangid , Shubham Kumar, Nandwani Karthik (town of MC.m-737), who conducted extensive research and creative work, prepared interesting information and participated in the educational event;

"With Ukraine in the Heart" is an event of national values and patriotic orientation for foreign and Ukrainian students, held in the context of the implementation of the Jean Monnet Module of the Erasmus+ international program on the topic "European values of intercultural dialogue in education: interdisciplinary and inclusive approaches" (EUROVALID) and within the framework of the project "National value and patriotic education of the personality in the process of language training in the system of international university education under martial law". Sincere thanks to Havisiddappa Karibasammy Gaanashree, Duppala Sai Pritam and Sain Jatin (gr.MC.m-129), Njem Victoria Gerald and Lyser Esther Jackson (gr.MC.m-125), Syed Mubaasheri Irfan, Shubham Kumar and Shubham Jangid (gr. . MC.m-737), Aishwaria, Anjali Saina and Abdul Ravuf (city MC.m-814), who with great inspiration and love told about the interesting years of studying at Sumy State University, about the knowledge they gained during classes with language training, about the cultural heritage of Ukraine and its European future, about the love and respect for the Ukrainian language instilled in them by the teachers, expressed unshakable confidence in the victory of the Ukrainian people over the bloody enemy and in a quick meeting with friends and teachers in the walls of their native university. Syed Mubaashera Irfan presented her author's poem "Symbols of Ukraine", and Shubham Jangid noted: "For me, Sumy State University is one of the symbols of Ukraine. Unity within the walls of the university helped me to grow emotionally as a person, helped me understand things that are really valuable for every person";

"Ukrainian language unites and inspires" on the occasion of the "Day of Ukrainian writing and language", in the framework of which foreigners participated in project activities and in writing the All-Ukrainian radio dictation of National Unity. We sincerely thank the members of Gurtkiv and all the students who joined the event, shared their impressions and expressed their thoughts about the event. "Language is one of the main values of every nation, a unique treasure. The Ukrainian language is the treasure and pride of the Ukrainian people. I know that now, in this terrible war, the Ukrainian people are defending not only their land, but also the Ukrainian language," emphasized Sayed Mubaashera Irfan (MC.m-737). - In my opinion, the Ukrainian language unites everyone who loves and protects it, unites and inspires the struggle for a peaceful and independent future of Ukraine." Zapadiya Viral Pankajbhai, Harikant Rathor, Patel Raviraj (town of MC.m-734) noted that participation in events dedicated to the Day of Ukrainian writing and language is their significant contribution to the common cause of struggle and unity with Ukrainians. Students of MC.m-814 Sajan Philip Aju, Mohanan Akhil, Ojikutu Aisha Adeola, Shaji Gowtham and Jense Rinso presented creative works in which they recreated their feelings and assured: "Ukraine is our common home. After the victory over the enemy, Ukrainian people will definitely return to their homes, and we will come to Ukraine, which has become our second home." The results of educational activities, projects and presentations prepared by the students of Gurtkiv, creative works and independently composed poems, in which the thoughts and feelings of students are reflected, testify not only to the great curiosity, giftedness and knowledge of the students of Gurtkiv, but are also a sign of respect and love for the Ukrainian language , to Ukraine.

We thank the foreign students who are members of the "Descendants of Hippocrates" group for their active research, creative and research work, participation in conferences and interesting reports, preparation and conducting of educational events, and we wish them creative inspiration, interesting projects and new achievements!




The department operates a research association "PF.Lang.Laboratory" for foreign students of the preparatory department  Inna Serhiyivna Levenok.


Since January 2022, scientific and career guidance work with foreign youth has been successfully carried out at the  Language Training for Foreign Citizens Department as a part of the scientific and creative association (hereinafter referred to as the scientific club) "PF.Lang.Laboratory" for foreign students of the Preparatory Department. Under the guidance of Inna Serhiyivna Levenok, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, lecturer, the participants of the club learn to master not only Ukrainian language, but also the scientific and academic culture of communication in a multicultural environment.
The purpose of the group's activity: to identify capable, talented young people, inclined to scientific and creative activities, among foreign students of the preparatory department; involvement of foreign students of the preparatory department in scientific and creative activities (participation in conferences, scientific, educational and cultural events); formation of foreign students' skills in scientific work with text: writing theses, articles, preparing presentations; development of research, communication skills, as well as intercultural communication skills.

The work plan of the group (2022-2023):

1. Organizational meeting of the scientific group. Discussion of the activity plan.
2. The language of science: what is it? Signs. Introduction to the scientific style of speech.
3. Theses VS article. Structural elements. Features of writing.
(Preparation of theses for participation in the 13th Scientific Student Conference "The First Step in Science").
4. Round table for International Mother Language Day. Languages ​​of the peoples of the world (21.02.2023).
5. Scientific research. Survey methods: questionnaire, conversation, interview.
6. What is "plagiarism"? How to write scientific texts.
7. Language etiquette. Public performance. The structure of the performance. Public speaking.
8. Me and my future profession. The language of my profession. Professional speech.
9. Presentation. Features of creating and designing presentations. Types of presentations. Preparation of presentations "My talent to my university, Sumy State University" (May 13, 2023)
10. Summarizing the work of the group. Awarding of participants.

List of participants of the scientific group "PF.Lang.Laboratory":

1. Akiu Kiroiya Charles (PWu-13, Tanzania).
2. Al Bakhlouz Al Washak Samer Wade' (PWu-13, Jordan).
3. Alych Zyumryut (PVu-13, Turkey).
4. Benjakik Mehdi (PVu-13, Morocco).
5. Etobe Godcovenant (Eteng PWu -14, Nigeria).
6. Kabaniwanii Umar Abdunur (PWu -13, Tanzania).
7. Mwaniika Sharon Festo (PWu-13, Tanzania).
8. Mohamed Moussa PVu-13 (Union of the Comoros Islands).
9. Nsato Karen Godfrey (PWu-13, Tanzania).
10. Okin Oluwabamise Glory (PWu-14, Nigeria).
11. Halisdemir Muhammed (PVu-13, Turkey).
12. Shakalaikh Mohammed I. A. (PWu-13, Palestine).

For the short time of the circle's existence, for the first time foreign students of the preparatory department took part in the 13th regional student scientific conference "The First Step in Science" (May 9-13, 2022). Al Bakhlouz Al Washak Samer Wade' and Mohamed Moussa prepared theses for the collection of conference materials (section "Philology-Communications-Society") on the topic: "Adaptation and intercultural communication of foreign listeners within the intercultural circle "PF.Lang.Laboratory".


International activity

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The scientific goal of the project is to create cognitive content, methodological and organizational foundations of educational programs by introducing European standards to scientific student research on the topic of implementation of European values ​​in Ukrainian language classes, disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle in Ukraine and the formation of an inclusive research environment. As part of the implementation of the project, the V All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online student conference "Scientific community of students of the 21st century" was held at the department.In March 2008, the Russian Language Department (now Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens) became a member of Ukrainian Association IATRLL (International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature). Associate Professor of the department Olha M. Volkova represents the Department at the International Forum of Russianists.

In 2011 teachers of the department established scientific and methodological connections with the Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin (Belarus).

In 2016, the Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens continued cooperation with the Department of General and Russian linguistics of Brest State University (Belarus) and the Department of Russian Language and Methods of its Teaching of Slavic University of Baku (Azerbaijan).

During 2017-2019, the Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens has found international partners among European educational institutions. In cooperation with the University of John the Evangelist Purkine (Czech Republic), Białystok University (Poland), National Agency of Slovakia under ERASMUS KA1 Program, staff of the department participated in scientific conferences, went through internships, gained new experience and shared their own achievements.

Grant activity.

One of the top-priority tasks of the lecturers’ international activity is their grant activity. The last one is represented both by the individual grant projects and their participation in the educational projects development participation in the context of the international grant program «Erasmus+: Jean Monet Module». The representatives of the Department of Language Training together with the civil society organization «European Initiative Centre» which is the Sumy Region leader regarding to the educative initiatives inculcation with the assistance of the European Union take active part in the individual grant programmes. Individual grants are aimed at the lecturer’s qualification upgrade abroad, learning the best foreign educational practical activities and teaching technologies. In December 2018 Associate Professor of the Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens Alina V. Cherniakova got involved with the international training course for the teaching staff «TRAINBOW» with the grant support of the European Union program Erasmus+ in the Slovakia. Training was devoted to the educational activities towards the youth creation, facilitation and evaluation directed at the international youth participation reinforcement in the context of the higher education internationalisation.

Aimed at the international collaboration affordance as well as at the innovative educational technologies examination lecturers also take an active part in the International mobility program ERASMUS + КА 1 with the educational component. In November 2019 Associate Professor of the Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens Alina V. Cherniakova also got involved with the training course «ReMeDy: Ready to mediate?» been organized towards the innovative pedagogical competencies of the educators, youth workers and trainers whose practical work is directed at the teaching and cultivation of the mediation methods among the students inside the informal education enhancement. Learning course took place in Georgia driven by the international program of the European Union ERASMUS+. Course was based upon the informal teaching methods such as practical exercises and project modelling of the tolerant behaviour strategies amidst the multicultural environment.

Participation in the international grant program «Erasmus+: Jean Monet Module» is represented by the Larysa V. Bidenko, Hanna V. Diadchenko, Alina V. Cherniakova, Maryna M. Nabok, Alla V. Rodenko. The lecturers enumerated draw and presented the projects to the competition connected with the international grant program «Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Activities», direction: «Erasmus+: Jean Monnet Module». In 2019 lecturers named above took part in the educational intensive course connected with the intercultural communication for the foreign students «European Instrument for Education against Discrimination and Intolerance in the multicultural educational environment» (EIEDI), in 2020 - in the educational intensive course connected with the intercultural communication for the foreign students Erasmus+ «European Сross-Cultural Studies as an instrument for social integration and language training of foreign students in the context of regional intercultural cities strategy» (EUROCCS).


From May 30 to June 10, 2022, the senior teacher of the department Hanna Dyadchenko completed an international internship at Palatskyi University in Olomouc (Czech Republic) under the ERASMUS + program, activity KA 107 (International Credit Mobility).

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Under the leadership of the head of the department, the project manager, Olha Sydorenko from September 2022, within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ program, the Jean Monnet Module "European values ​​of intercultural dialogue in education: interdisciplinary and inclusive approaches" (EUROVALID), number 101085224 is being implemented at the department.
The scientific goal of the project is to create cognitive content, methodological and organizational foundations of educational programs by introducing European standards to scientific student research on the topic of implementation of European values ​​in Ukrainian language classes, disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle in Ukraine and the formation of an inclusive research environment. As part of the implementation of the project, the V All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online student conference "Scientific community of students of the 21st century" was held at the department.

Associate professor of the department Alina Chernyakova  joined the international grant project, became a participant in the methodological training seminar "Working with psychological trauma during the war" with the support of the German Government (Leipzig) and the international educational organization "European Ways". The project was carried out from 19.12.2022 to 27.12.2022 in the city of Pustomyty, Lviv region.

In the context of the international event, master classes, workshops, and trainings were held in the areas of social and psychological support for victims of the consequences of the war in Ukraine in the following areas: techniques for working with emotional burnout and trauma "Battery", "Desert", "Safe place"; mediation practices of the intervention group; techniques of psychological first aid to victims of violence by means of physical therapy; a method of working on psychological recovery in the situation of Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with adults and children, using physical exercises, games, metaphorical maps.

The project is aimed at improving the qualifications of educators and psychologists through the exchange of experience in the field of mediation, successful practices in conflict prevention, teaching dialogue as an approach and tool for management practice with the aim of increasing social cohesion, seeking understanding and agreement in the complex conditions of Ukrainian civil society.

In order to disseminate the Jean Monnet grant project "European values of intercultural dialogue in the field of education: interdisciplinary and inclusive approaches - EUROVALID", Alina Chernyakova prepared a report on the topic "Intercultural dialogue as a tool for increasing social cohesion in the conditions of war in Ukraine". The report presents the experience of working with women and children in the process of evacuation abroad at the beginning of the war.


In the Linguistic Center of Slavic Languages you can learn to speak and write in Ukrainian and Russian, and also improve your knowledge.

Experienced teachers will help you to learn the Ukrainian and Russian languages in accordance with these types of programs:

  1. General or standard course is suitable for those who want to master conversational speech and expand vocabulary.
  2. Intensive course is created for those who have little free time, but need an immediate result).
  3. Individual lessons help quickly and efficiently eliminate gaps in knowledge.


Studying the language in Ukraine gives foreign citizens the opportunity to feel themselves part of Ukrainian society, to join Ukrainian culture and traditions.

Due to the Ukrainian (Russian) language courses in the 2018/2019 academic year, about 60 foreign students increased their level of language proficiency.

In addition, as a part of the Center's activity, teachers of the Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens used modern resources during educational process: newly published workbooks for independent study, methodological instructions, etc.


The list of educational programs

The program

Form of studying

Program’s contents


Corrective course of Ukrainian/Russian as a language of studying

Individual lessons/courses

Practical course of language. Fundamentals of grammar. Speech development. Scientific style of speech. Final examination.


Spoken Ukrainian/Russian language

Individual lessons/courses

Introductory phonetical training. Basic dictionary and the grammar of the spoken speech. Communicational training on every day and conversational topics: speaking, reading, listening, role-playing, project assignments, tests, independent work. Final examination.


Intensive course of Ukrainian/Russian

Individual lessons/courses

Corrective course on phonetics and grammar. Features of lexical and syntactic organization of speech. Terminology. Communicative training on scientific issues. Final examination.


Ukrainian/Russian for beginners

Individual lessons/courses

Sound system of Ukrainian / Russian. Reading rules. Fundamentals of grammar. The basic models of sentences. Technique of constructing spoken phrases - from simple to complex. Understanding speech by ear. Letter, electronic correspondence. Reading and discussion of texts. Final examination.


The Linguistic Center of Slavic Languages offers Ukrainian/Russian language editing and proofreading services.


Address: 2, Rimskogo-Korsakova st., Sumy, Ukraine, 40007

Tel.: (+38-0542) 33-40-98

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Sumy State University,
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine,
Main Building, (Room 802)

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